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CMN112 - Accessing the MCCC Library & Locating Information: Effective Searching

This Libguide shows how to access the MCCC Library's resources. It also shows some tools for more efficient computer searching as well as evaluating the information you locate.

Effective Computer Searching

Computer search tools like Google and library databases are just that... tools. Knowing how to skillfully use these tools, you will be able to find needed information quickly and efficiently. As with any skill, it can take practice to be really good at it.

Below are some methods you can use to effectively locate information when searching a computer based resource.

Generating Search Terms/Keywords

Whether you are using Google of a library database, when using a computer to search for information the computer merely matches the pattern of letters you type into the box. Only we as people understand the meaning of the terms we search. Taking a moment to think about the search terms (or keywords) that we put onto the search box first can help us get to needed information quicker. This video talks more about selecting search terms/keywords. (Running time 3:50)


Boolean Searching

By connecting you search terms with the words, "and", "or", "not", you can greatly improve your search results. The video below from Oregon School Library Information System explains how. (Running time 6:26)

Effective Computer Searching

Along with Boolean searching, there are more tools that you can use to help focus your searches. Some of these tools include:

  • Nesting
  • Phrase searching
  • Truncations
  • Wild cards

The following video from the Oregon School Library Information System will introduce you to these tools. (Running time 6:46)

Need More Help?

If you need help with your research and wish to contact the library, please use the chat box at the MCCC Library’s homepage or email to for help from an MCCC librarian.