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Diversity & Inclusion: Books @ the MCCC Library

A guide to resources for diversity and inclusion at colleges and universities.

In the Library's Professional Collection

Additional Selections from the MCCC Collection

Cover image of the Anti-Racist Discussion Pedagogy Guide

The Anti-Racist Discussion Pedagogy

Guide Summary: How to build an anti-racist pedagogy in any discipline through instructor reflection, clear communication guidelines, and inquiry-based discussion.

Searching the College's Library Catalog

Search for additional books at the college library using the library catalog, which can be found on the library's home page.

Searching for ONLY e-books

The library also subscribes to a leased collection of e-books, from a company called ProQuest. Because they are leased & change monthly, these 186K+ academic e-books currently do not appear in the catalog. Use the link from the library home page called "E-brary (Ebook Central)" to access this collection.

From the New York Times Best Seller Lists

These titles are available in the college library's collection:

Recent Acquisitions